Kabira Not Until I Die has been crossword Bestseller Novel. 4.8 stars in Amazon by the readers. 4 star in Goodreads.

Author is on India tour- drop an email to if you want to meet him in person.


Here is the quick synopsis of bestseller love story ‘Messed Up! But All for Love.’



Arvind Parashar hails from a beautiful valley in Northern India, Dehradun, capital of Uttarakhand. He completed his education there and moved places. His corporate stint took him to the U.S several times. Presently, He lives with his family in Mumbai and finds it the best place on earth to live. Apart from writing, In his free time now, Arvind loves to paint oil on canvas. Most of his work has been gifted to friends and family. He enjoys traveling, and mostly does road trips with family and friends. He served as a Director in one of the U.S based corporates prior to focussing on writing novels. In fact, he decided to quit his sixteen year long corporate career , with GE, Dell and Genpact primarily, for the passion of writing, and is now fully devoted to it. It was a huge risk, however he believed in his dream so deep that eventually the comfort of corporate did not excite him much. His fiction novel Kabira Not Until I Die is off to a good start and already has a fan following established. He has already finished a large part if the second novel and research for the third one. His Read More


It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” ― Vincent van Gogh

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